To bolster the case for bold climate action, we published research papers detailing how the climate crisis is affecting the communities we support, including:

  • The Land is Aching: Extreme Climate Induced Flooding in Pakistan. After experiencing its worst ever disaster the already cash-strapped Pakistan faces soaring poverty, disease outbreaks, and widespread infrastructural damage – alongside the grim certainty that the floods will come again. Pointing to the positive impact of Islamic Relief’s climate adaptation interventions in the country, we call for urgent support for disaster risk reduction and management in Pakistan and funding from rich, high-polluting countries to compensate poorer countries for the loss and damage from climate-related disasters.

  • As climate change increases the frequency and intensity of disaster events, women and girls are often the first affected and the last to recover. Our Gender-Based Approach to Climate Change Adaptation report, developed in collaboration with IPB University, Indonesia, examines the vulnerability of women and girls to the impacts of climate change, and shares best practices and recommendations.