Group statement of financial activities and Income and expenditure account for the year ended 31 December 2022

income and endowments from: Unrestricted funds £’000 Restricted funds £’000 Endowments funds £’000 Total 2022 £’000 Total 2021 £’000 Notes
Donations and legacies 13,377 186,384 399 200,160 166,893 2
Other trading activities 3,788 _ _ 3,788 3,518 3
Investments _ _ 554 554 536 4
Charitable activities _ 29,678 _ 29,678 11,993 5
Total 17,165 216,062 953 234,180 182,940
Expenditure on:
Raising funds:
Costs of generating voluntary income _ 14,915 _ 14,915 12,770 10a
Fundraising trading: cost of goods sold and other cost 3,546 _ _ 3,546 3,095 10a
Investment management cost _ _ 424 424 456 10a
Charitable activities 9,161 165,177 _ 174,338 157,216 10a
Total 12,707 180,092 424 193,223 173,537
Net income 4,458 35,970 529 40,957 9,403
Transfers between funds 443 _ 443 _ 26
Subsidiary funds brought forward on consolidation 5 _ _ 5 10
Net movement on funds 4,906 35,970 86 40,962 9,413
Reconciliation of funds:
Total funds brought forward 14,370 46,488 8,391 69,249 59,836
Total funds carried forward 19,276 82,458 8,477 110,211 69,249