Group statement of financial activities and income and expenditure account for the year ended 31 December 2022

income and endowments from: Unrestricted funds £’000 Restricted funds £’000 Endowments funds £’000 Total 2022 £’000 Total 2021 £’000 Notes
Donations and legacies 13,377 186,384 399 200,160 166,893 2
Other trading activities 3,788 _ _ 3,788 3,518 3
Investments _ _ 554 554 536 4
Charitable activities _ 29,678 _ 29,678 11,993 5
Total 17,165 216,062 953 234,180 182,940
Expenditure on:
Raising funds:
Costs of generating voluntary income _ 14,915 _ 14,915 12,770 10a
Fundraising trading: cost of goods sold and other cost 3,546 _ _ 3,546 3,095 10a
Investment management cost _ _ 424 424 456 10a
Charitable activities 9,161 165,177 _ 174,338 157,216 10a
Total 12,707 180,092 424 193,223 173,537
Net income 4,458 35,970 529 40,957 9,403
Transfers between funds 443 _ 443 _ 26
Subsidiary funds brought forward on consolidation 5 _ _ 5 10
Net movement on funds 4,906 35,970 86 40,962 9,413
Reconciliation of funds:
Total funds brought forward 14,370 46,488 8,391 69,249 59,836
Total funds carried forward 19,276 82,458 8,477 110,211 69,249

Parent charitable company statement of financial activities and income and expenditure account for the year ended 31 December 2022

Income and endowments from: Unrestricted funds £’000 Restricted funds £’000 Endowments funds £’000 Total 2022 £’000 Total 2021 £’000 Notes
Donations and legacies 13,609 186,386 _ 199,995 166,192 2
Investments _ _ 140 140 536 4
Charitable activities _ 29,678 _ 29,678 11,994 5
Total 13,609 216,064 140 229,813 178,722
Expenditure on:
Raising funds
Costs of generating voluntary income _ 14,915 _ 14,915 12,769 10a
Investment management cost _ _ 55 55 89 10a
Charitable activities 9,161 165,177 _ 174,338 157,215 10a
Total 9,161 180,092 55 189,308 170,073
Net income 4,448 35,972 85 40,505 8,649
Subsidiary funds brought forward on consolidation 5 _ _ 5 10
Net movement on funds 4,453 35,972 85 40,510 8,659
Reconciliation of funds
Total funds brought forward 12,838 46,489 8,392 67,719 59,060
Total funds carried forward 17,291 82,461 8,477 108,229 67,719

Group and charity balance sheets as at 31 December 2022

2022 total funds 2021 total funds
Fixed assets Group £’000 Charity £’000 Group £’000 Charity £’000 Notes
Intangible assets 856 856 9 9 13
Tangible assets 8,391 8,157 8,173 7,994 14,15
Investments 169 1,045 169 1,045 16
Total fixed assets 9,416 10,058 8,351 9,048
Current assets
Stocks and work in progress 127 _ 127 _ 17
Debtors due within one year 18,201 18,072 7,199 6,780 18
Cash at bank and in hand 125,120 124,336 92,687 92,054 19
Total current assets 143,448 142,408 100,013 98,834
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 42,653 44,237 35,615 36,663 20
Net current assets 100,795 98,171 64,398 62,171
Total assets less current liabilities 110,211 108,229 72,749 71,219
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year _ _ 3,500 3,500
Total net assets 110,211 108,229 69,249 67,719
Total funds of the charity:
Unrestricted funds general 19,276 17,291 14,370 12,838
Restricted income funds 82,458 82,461 46,488 46,489 26
Endowment funds 8,477 8,477 8,391 8,392 27
Total funds 110,211 108,229 69,249 67,719

Group cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 2022

Reconciliation of net income to net cash flow from operating activities 2022 £’000 2021 £’000
Net income for the reporting period as per the statement of financial activities (excluding cash flow from endowments) 40,871 9,063
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 393 361
Impairment Loss _ 1,430
Decrease/(Increase) in stocks _ 58
Decrease/(Increase) in debtors (11,002) (238)
(Decrease)/Increase in creditors 3,537 11,006
(Gains)/Loss on foreign exchange 4,266 (2,640)
Net cash provided by operating activities 38,065 19,040
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of intangibles (847) _
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (587) (391)
Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment (17) 28
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (1,451) (363)
Cash flows from financing activities
Endowment (waqf) 85 351
Net cash provided by financing activities 85 351
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 36,699 19,028
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 92,687 71,019
Change in cash and cash equivalents due to exchange rate movements (4,266) 2,640
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 125,120 92,687
Consisting of:
Cash at bank and in hand 125,120 92,687