In 2022 we supported over 17.3 million people
Country | Total |
Yemen | 3,560,269 |
Niger | 2,013,734 |
Afghanistan | 1,239,724 |
Pakistan | 1,214,985 |
Somalia | 1,134,739 |
Sudan | 1,088,452 |
Syria | 999,392 |
Occupied Palestinian Territory (Gaza) | 993,710 |
Bangladesh | 892,202 |
Mali | 878,934 |
Ethiopia | 723,424 |
Kenya | 460,106 |
Malawi | 333,822 |
South Sudan | 298,769 |
Kosova | 141,733 |
Jordan | 135,267 |
North Macedonia | 124,179 |
United Kingdom | 123,194 |
Sri Lanka | 108,387 |
Türkiye | 96,735 |
The Philippines | 87,714 |
Lebanon | 86,474 |
Nepal | 84,377 |
Indonesia | 79,476 |
Tunisia | 78,450 |
Iraq | 66,251 |
Myanmar | 66,119 |
South Africa | 50,742 |
Albania | 48,092 |
India | 39,109 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 32,386 |
Russian Federation (Chechnya) | 22,002 |
Madagascar | 9,262 |
Spain | 5,036 |
Italy | 1,946 |
Moldova | 838 |
Malaysia | 810 |
Total people reached: 17.3 million
Number of people reached through global programmes
Programmes | People reached |
Humanitarian | 9,849,300 |
Development | 2,834,443 |
Advocacy | 26,339 |
Orphan sponsorship | 92,841 |
Seasonal | 6,407,464 |
Grand total | 19,210,387 |
The figures in this table are included within the country figures on the map. The grand total in this table (19.2 million) is different to the total number of people reached (17.3 million) because some people have been reached by more than one Islamic Relief intervention. For example, a child enrolled in our orphan sponsorship scheme may also benefit from a development project to build a well in their village.
In 2022 we supported over 17.3 million people

Four hundred children living with disabilities in the Chechen Republic are benefiting from access to speech therapy, sports and counselling.

“I would like to thank Islamic Relief for helping to rebuild our economy. Now, we have an income to help our families.” Nursiana is among 26 women now earning income by cultivating honey thanks to an Islamic Relief intervention to help communities struggling in the aftermath of an earthquake and tsunami in 2018.

Nour, 66, is the head of Warcimran village in TogdheermRegion, a part of Somaliland ravaged by prolonged drought. Islamic Relief has been digging and repairingmwater boreholes, trucking water into communities, and supporting families with survival items.