Parent charitable company statement of financial activities and income and expenditure account for the year ended 31 December 2022

Income and endowments from: Unrestricted funds £’000 Restricted funds £’000 Endowments funds £’000 Total 2022 £’000 Total 2021 £’000 Notes
Donations and legacies 13,609 186,386 _ 199,995 166,192 2
Investments _ _ 140 140 536 4
Charitable activities _ 29,678 _ 29,678 11,994 5
Total 13,609 216,064 140 229,813 178,722
Expenditure on:
Raising funds
Costs of generating voluntary income _ 14,915 _ 14,915 12,769 10a
Investment management cost _ _ 55 55 89 10a
Charitable activities 9,161 165,177 _ 174,338 157,215 10a
Total 9,161 180,092 55 189,308 170,073
Net income 4,448 35,972 85 40,505 8,649
Subsidiary funds brought forward on consolidation 5 _ _ 5 10
Net movement on funds 4,453 35,972 85 40,510 8,659
Reconciliation of funds
Total funds brought forward 12,838 46,489 8,392 67,719 59,060
Total funds carried forward 17,291 82,461 8,477 108,229 67,719