Armed conflict in the Philippines’ Maguindanao municipality has uprooted families and devastated communities and the local economy. Islamic Relief responds with a six-month project to revive smallscale businesses and improve protection for women and other at-risk groups.

An Islamic Relief livelihoods scheme in the Philippines brings together 100 women to kickstart businesses producing and selling duck eggs.

We equipped 100 entrepreneurs with startup grants, along with training in financial management and business proposal writing. The women also received feed and materials enabling them to produce and sell duck eggs.

As well as strengthening social bonds in the community, the project enabled participants to earn a living, provide for their families, and even set aside some savings. Encouraged by the project’s positive results, five local government units introduced mental health and psychosocial support. Referral pathways, including for genderbased violence and child protection, were also bolstered as municipal and provincial authorities pledged their support.