Lebanon’s economic crisis continues to deepen, and an astonishing 80 per cent of its population begin the year living below the poverty line. Amid eye watering levels of inflation, the price of essential items has increased by 800 per cent. Many people are out of work, and even the previously comfortably off struggle to make ends meet. Electricity, communications, fuel and medicine are in short supply. To ease the suffering, Islamic Relief provides food packages to struggling families throughout Lebanon, and also helps renovate homes and improve the living conditions of families, including orphaned children.
“The situation is so bad in Lebanon, I have been without work for two years,” says Walid, who lives in Beirut. The father of five mourns the loss of two daughters, who died when their home’s dilapidated balcony collapsed. He cannot afford to keep his home in a good state of repair, or even to pay for basic essentials. “Life is expensive. We have no electricity, no water, no food.” Islamic Relief has helped Walid and other vulnerable families make essential repairs to their homes.

Flooding in Gaza affects thousands of people.
Heavy rainfall in Gaza triggers severe flooding, affecting thousands of people.
Ponds overflow, water pumps stop working, and sink holes appear in streets and roads. Hundreds of homes are damaged and waterborne diseases threaten thousands of people.
Islamic Relief distributes bedding, winter clothes and hygiene kits; and provides cash transfers to support almost 5,500 vulnerable people affected by the floods.

Flooding in Gaza affects thousands of people.